Saturday, June 30, 2012

Dark and Delicious Alice 4x6

Here's the pencil sketch of another 4x6 dark Alice. Maybe I'll post the inked stage later.

Friday, June 29, 2012

Rowdy Royal finals

These are the finished ATC's I made for the Rowdy Royal swap. It's Godzilla Vs. Queen Victoria!!!

Dark and Delicious Alice postcard

An unfinished 4x6 artwork. Someday I will complete it. And the other ones I started :-)

Line art stage

Line art for 'Our Lady of Guadalupe' swap at

Sunday, June 3, 2012

100 Things to draw When You're Bored swap. Participants were only required to make 3, but were free to make more on their own. These were for the swap: Mad Scientist, Birds in Hats, and Eyeball Tree.
100 Things list

Blind Drawing ATC's

More atc's for a swap: Blind Drawing III. The sketch is made blindly (not looking), then when the sketch is done the drawing is finished off in some clever way. These are my favorite two I think.

Face of the Sun ATC's

Sun Face ATC's. I really enjoyed making these.