Sunday, November 29, 2020

 Opened a new pull at Dr. Volts. Still leaning toward TPB's. Last Sunday, sold my old Pachinko machine. I am happy where it went.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

 closed out my pull / hold at the comic shop. Been a reader/collector for about 30 years (or more). I am leaning toward trades (trade paperbacks, collected editions of the "floppy" issues that come out more or less monthly) more nowadays. 

Sunday, June 14, 2020

3D printer is go.

Got a new 3D printer back in April and just took my time getting it put together and upgrading the extruder. Got subbed to MakerBox for filament. About a week ago I got it going, did a test print, then went ahead and started printing stuff. Much better than the idbox I put together from ModelSpace. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

On June 1, 2020 I got tested for covid-19. I won't go into the reason(s) why (yet, if ever). A few days later my results came back negative. I've been home all week, messing around with my new 3D printer, and doing other things. Although I am not a frontline worker, the company I work for has designated us (the employees) 'essential'. I have been working since  the quarantine began. I'm happy to still be working considering current events(a lot of people are unemployed). But I am also feeling very overwhelmed and I can't really pinpoint why.

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Saturday, February 29, 2020


Threw out my old Tamiya-MRC Fast Attack Vehicle (FAV) yesterday. Gutted it first though. Took out the controls that go with the controller (Futaba). That will go to Savers probably. The FAV was very old, and I hadn't run it for awhile, so bye-bye. A couple of rechargable batteries are also goin to Savers with an old, 80's charger. I was off work yesterday. Now trying to decide what to do with the old pachinko machine...

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Utah Languish Issue one mini-comic

I made a mini-comic some years ago. The title is Utah Languish. I'll replace the file with a new one when I get a revised cover made. Maybe.
by me, ATC